As the years go by, people change...their clothes, their personalities, and their hairstyles. A big factor that is making our population change, is the media. Our celebrities set standards. So many people look up to them or try to be like them. I find it so funny because some of the things celebrities do with themselves is absurd. From plastic surgery to crazy hairstyles. I was watching a plastic surgery special on TV the other night with my family, and there were teenagers who were getting boob jobs and fast lifts. It's gross. Along with these awful surgeries, they feel the need to change their hair too. Becoming a whole different person in a couple days.
Click here to see the story on a man who got plastic surgery to look like Lady Gaga.
Hairstyles these days are hilarious...look at this guy...
Celebrities have also created this "barbie" look that so many girls want to be...where you dye your hair super blonde with a dark Paris Hilton...its sad.
Are mullets coming? My friend
Will Gilmore has a great blog about mullets. In fact, he had a mullet a couple weeks ago..and he rocked it! Here are some great mullets...
The first photo is hilarious!