Thursday, December 2, 2010

Good is a lil' somethin to make you laugh

Hair Styles these days...

As the years go by, people change...their clothes, their personalities, and their hairstyles. A big factor that is making our population change, is the media. Our celebrities set standards. So many people look up to them or try to be like them. I find it so funny because some of the things celebrities do with themselves is absurd. From plastic surgery to crazy hairstyles. I was watching a plastic surgery special on TV the other night with my family, and there were teenagers who were getting boob jobs and fast lifts. It's gross. Along with these awful surgeries, they feel the need to change their hair too. Becoming a whole different person in a couple days. Click here to see the story on a man who got plastic surgery to look like Lady Gaga.
Hairstyles these days are hilarious...look at this guy...
Celebrities have also created this "barbie" look that so many girls want to be...where you dye your hair super blonde with a dark Paris Hilton...its sad.
Are mullets coming? My friend Will Gilmore has a great blog about mullets. In fact, he had a mullet a couple weeks ago..and he rocked it! Here are some great mullets...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

South Park: Funny or Offensive?

     South Park, on comedy central, is one of my favorite shows to watch. Every episode relates to a recent movie, event, or political issue. They make fun of celebrities and are not afraid of offending anyone. I love South Park. It always makes me laugh so hard. Last Wednesday night's, AND last nights new episode were about the BP oil spill and LeBron James. For the BP oil company, they basically made the company look really stupid. They made up there own silly commercials apologizing for what they did. It continued on to about five characters in the show asking themselves, "What should I do? Should I admit to them that I made mistakes?" You can see a short clip of this Lebron Reference here. This is what Lebron James said, and clearly the makers of South Park, Trey Stone and Matt Parker, thought it was funny. On the CNN website, you can read what critics have to say about this episode by Clicking Here.
     I thought this episode was hilarious, and I recommend YOU to watch it. All you have to do is go to South Park Studios and click the episode "Mysterion Rises."
This is the picture from the article on CNN. They showed Tony Hayward many times throughout the two episodes. He was featured in a few silly commercials saying "were sorry." IN CONCLUSION, it's it.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How Can I Make You Laugh?

          Each and every one of us is different in this world. Do we laugh at the same things? Does everyone think that the things I think are funny are also funny to them? It's a weird concept to think about...Obviously my friends and I think the same things are funny. I mean, that's mostly why were friends. Were similar, and have the same chemistry. That's why we hang out. But the real question is, if were not friends, I don't know you, we have never seen each other, and so on, how can I, personally, make you laugh? In this article,What's Funny?, it shows us three theories that explain why things can be funny to the human eye or ear. It is quite interesting!
           I believe that comedians have the ability to either completely screw up or absolutely make their whole audience laugh. I love going on YouTube to watch funny videos, whether it's a comedian or a stupid video someone made. Laughing is one of my favorite things to do, and that's why I choice laughter as my topic for this blog. I want to share what I think is funny, hoping that you think it's funny too!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hawaiian Shirts and Hair Pieces

Went to a party last night that had a theme entitled "Hawaiian Shirts and Hair Pieces." It was my friend's 21st birthday party, and him and all of his friends wore cheap Hawaiian shirts, not buttoned I might add, and ridiculous wigs. It was awesome, everyone looked fantastic. I think its awesome when guys dress up for themed parties, it says a lot about their personality. They aren't afraid of what people think. On the other hand, the girls were lacking any Hawaiian theme clothing whatsoever, except me and my friend of course. We were all Hawaiian'ed out. We even drew fake tats on ourselves. I had the Hawaiian islands on my back, and she had them on her chest. I had an arm band tat around my bicep, and she had a turtle and arm band on her forearm.